What is Lead Testing?


Fast Turnaround Time

PbFreeOhio has the staff to get you scheduled and tested in a matter of days, sometimes the same day.  We realize that sometimes you need your certificate immediately so we do offer RUSH services.  Depending on which sets of tests you require you can have your results on the spot or within a few days.  Our results are guaranteed and we stand behind our work.

Knowledgeable Lead Safe Assessors

Beginning in 2021 the City of Cleveland is requiring that all rental properties constructed prior to 1978 be certified Lead Safe every two years.  Each property owner will need to obtain a Lead Safe Certificate from an independent State of Ohio licensed Lead Assessor.  A valid certificate is also a requirement prior to obtaining any eviction relief in the Cleveland Municipal Court. Click here for more information on the Lead Safe Program.

With more than 15 years experience in the Cleveland Real Estate business pbFreeOhio has the knowledge and ability to get your property tested accurately, identify problems areas and get your property certified fast.

Details are our specialty

Lead Safe Certificates are all about the details.  We keep digital files of all our clients and the ability to reference them whenever needed.  We work with the finest labs and obtain fast results to get your certificates in as fast a time as possible.



Consultations with ownership

Education is the primary goal for any initiative such as the lead safe program.  The more we can educate property owners of what to be aware of on their property, the less potential exists for lead poisoning among tenants.  

If we can assist you in identifying the most likely areas of concern, you as the landlord can keep watch on these areas and make sure they remain free of debris.  What to look for, where to check and what to watch out for.  This can assist ownership of what to prioritize in terms of Lead Safety to get the most efficient use of resources.

Clearance Exams and Assessments

Complete examinations of the property in accordance with all HUD standards to determine lead paint safety.  Fast and professional service with accurate results from accredited laboratories.

Referral to Qualified Lead Paint Renovator (RRP) Contractors

Should your property require remediation, PbFreeOhio maintains relationships with many licensed Lead Paint Removal contractors and can make the proper referrals.  Once repairs are complete, PbFreeOhio can return for a final test to clear the violations.